Wednesday, 6 November 2013

A Gift

 Inspiration comes at all hours of the day or night, from many different triggers. I went to bed and read a book which featured the verse on which this devotional thought is based.  After finishing the book and turning out the light I found these thoughts running through my mind and so got up and wrote them down, even if it was 2 o'clock in the morning!

Come to me all you who are wearied and burdened, and I will give you rest.   Matthew 11:28

Rest, sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  No one likes being wearied and burdened, but we are.  Burdened with worry; burdened with guilt; burdened with illness; burdened with responsibility. We all know about being burdened – and burdens are like packages, big packages, that are often more than we can handle.

 Packages that trying to carry makes us weary.... weary, tired, lacking energy and umph. We all know what that is like, being too tired to make a meal, to go to a meeting or out to visit someone. It seems to me at the longer I live the more there is to do; you’d think that it should be possible to cross things off a list and not have something else move in to take it’s place.

 There are so many of us who LIKE our feelings of weariness and being burdened; well don’t we?  They can be an excuse to hibernate, or to stop working with a group, or quit a committee. “No, I don’t think that I will go out today; they can get along without me.”

 You know, it is so easy to concentrate on the description of the first YOU in this passage, and forget the “I” and “Me”. But in this passage, which addressed to all of us, Christ is speaking to each one of us directly: “Come to ME and I will give ...”

 Action is needed on our part; we can be weary, we can be burdened; but that is not to stop us from making the first move . COME to me. And if we do, what do we get? We get the Gift of Rest.   Do we ... do you ... do I ... have enough trust that I will go to the One who spoke these words and accept His gift? Or do I go to Christ,  take His gift, and keep right on being weary and burdened, because I don’t want to leave it all up to Him? I pray that you do better than I when it comes to accepting God’s Gift of Rest.

 This is when I feel the need to pray .... I come Lord with my weariness and burdens.  Help me to leave them with you and to accept the gift you offer... Rest.  Help me to relax and enjoy my life and not be running off in my mind to the next item on my agenda. Thank you for  time spent with friends.  Thank you for that Gift of Rest.  Amen

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