14 Mar 1871 - 28 Apr 1939
born in Bristol England; died in Toronto ON
married 27 Aug 1899 in London England
10 Jun 1870 - 23 Nov 1940
born in Malvern Chase, Jamaica; died in Toronto ON
I found a number of letters from friends of my mother sent to her when her mother passed on. I was going to put them in the recycling bin ... NOOOO ... I did put them in the recycling bag a few months ago, and was about to throw the bag out, when I thought that I would like to post these somewhere and see what happens. There are 13 letters and 2 cards in all, so that is what I will start this blog with ... and who knows where it will take off to after that!
1. From Anne B. McLean at 25 Maclennan Ave, Toronto 5 29 April 1939:
Dear Mr Child and Miss Child: Tonight we have just read the sad news for you both, but glad news for your dear one, and I hasten to send on behalf of my sister and self our kindest love and sympathy. I am so glad I was privileged to have the sweet visit with her when I did, as a few days after I got "flue" and have been ill ever since. I hope to go out to church tomorrow. We shall be remembering you both in prayer with a new petiton tonight that our Lord will make His Presence very real to you and soothe and comfort as He alone can. Dear Mrs Child has left behind a very very sweet memory to all who knew or met her, and now she is gone to her reward. May our Heavenly Father bless you both, and grant you also strength for these days and sleep -- Again our loving sympathy. Yours most sincerely, Anne B. McLean.
2. From Audrey Wilkinson ... a card, undated:
So sorry for your loss, but we know it is her gain. Loving sympathy. Audrey Wilkinson
3. From Edmund N. Jarvis 171 Spadina Rd undated:
My dear Mr Childs and Family: You have our sympathy in the calling Home of Mrs Childs to be with her Saviour whom she loved. I can immagine the joy that is hers in seeing Jesus Christ face to face. What is your loss is her gain. I feel sure it will not be long before our dear ones are coming back with Jesus Christ to get us so we shall ever be with the Lord [1 Thes 4:13-18] May our loving Heavenly Father comfort and sustain you and your family. Mrs Jarvis and Ethel join me in this. Yours very sincerely, Edmund N. Jarvis.
4. From Leah Stewart May 1, 1939
Dear Nora: Received the sad news of your mothers death on Sunday evening and my heart ached for you. I am so sorry not to have been able to see you personally but as I am now working my time is not my own. Nevertheless I know you, though sad for your own loss, are rejoicing in the fact that the mother who has been so dear to you is gone to be with Jesus which is far better. May God strengthen and comfort you as He alone can. Ever yours in Jesus, Leah Stewart.
5. From Annis Perrot 443 1/2 Rhodes Ave May 1, 1939
Dear Miss Childs: Do you mind if I have a little chat with you on paper? I was sorry that I missed you when I called at the 'parlour's' on Saturday afternoon. My thoughts and prayers were with you all day yesterday, but I felt rather shy about going to see you again, knowing that you had closer friends and loved ones with you.
But because I know what it means to have a sweet little Christian mother taken Home ahead of us, I am writing to tell you how much I feel for you right now.
We know that our Lord has answered the many prayers on your behalf as we could see that He has given you divine strength to bear up bravely under the strain of the past few days. You have proven Him, that He is indeed a Refuge and Strength in time of trouble.
The service was beautiful. God's own peace on your dear mother's brow and in the general atmosphere was a triumphant witness to His undying Word that Death is swallowed up in victory.
You will miss her, Miss Childs. Likely you will feel like I did sometimes, that you just had to see her, or talk something over with her. But I'm glad you will be busy in the King's happy service, and the sure knowledge that it is only "till He comes" will help you bear the "little while between."
I have been very grateful to you Miss Childs, and to your dear mother for your prayers and kindly interest in me, though I have not been able to show it to you as I would have liked. I hope whe was not disappointed because I had the operation. I took it to the Lord and He showed me it was His way for me.
We do not understand all His ways with us, but like His people of old, "He led them forth by the right way". And praise His name, "all His ways are peace." Even when He leads us through deep trials, He gives us the peace that passeth all understanding. Surely we have a good foundation to stand on in the storms of life and His banner over us is love. I have been so comforted lately to know that nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate me from His love. [Romas 8: 35-39]
I hope these few words will let you see that we care. May you, your sister and father know in deep measure, the comfort of Him who says, "As one who His mother comforteth, so will I comfort you."
Yours in loving sympathy, Annis Perrott.
6. From L. Armstrong of 624 Spadina Ave, Knox Church House May 4/39:
Dear Miss Childs: I would like to convey to you my deepest sympathy in your recent sad bereavement. But how blesssed it is for us to know it is only for a short time and then the grand reunion. This I know is not very comforting at the moment, but our Saviour is able to heal all our sorrows and in my own case, I know it was the means of a greater spiritual experience. So I do comment you at this time to Him who is ever full of compassion toward us. You who know the Saviour so will will understand. He doeth all things well, and in His own time we to shall understand. I know you will accept this with my sincere Christian sympathy and any comfort these feeble words may bring you. Yours in His Service. L. Armstrong.
Sophy's coffin
7. From Lilly Eyre Toronto May 4, 1939
Dear Nora, I have thought of you so much, and prayed for you, in the last few days -- for I always knew the love you had for your Mother, and I knew what that loss would mean to you. It is so hard to let those we love so dearly pass from us, even though we know, they are passing to a sweet rest, and that they have really only gone a little before and the Gates they have passed thru are open for us, and those dear Loves will be waiting to meet us.
I tried to get down to see you Sunday, but I couldn't leave home.
Maybe one day, when you feel you can, you would come out to see me. I would like it so much and you could meet my little mother -- she is so sweet, I know you would love her.
My thoughts for you, dear. Lilly Eyre